Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And sometimes it flops...

I made cookies the other day. Cake mix cookies which are easy and delicious. But as I was pulling the second batch out, this happened...

I grabbed the pan but missed with the hot pad. So I jerked to adjust so I wouldn't get burned and I dumped the whole thing everywhere!
This is just what was in the oven. There was more on the oven, on the floor and smooshed on the cookie sheet. What a mess!

Here's the heap of cookie disaster. Good thing they're easy or else I might have been really mad.


Judy and KC said...

Oh I HATE it when things like that happen! One second of accident takes an hour to clean up. No fun! I've done things like that more often than I would care to admit.

Cal and Whit said...

And yet, they still look delightful to me! Ha! Maybe that is what I'll go make now. Oh, we had your 'fake cake' last night. I don't know what you guys call it, but when you microwave the cake mix in cups with water and then put ice cream on them. We love them every once in a while, and we had them last night. We thought of you guys! :D