Monday, April 12, 2010

Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Since I decided to start this blog on an impulse, the first few posts will just be what was already on the menu.

This one is actually from The Pioneer Woman. To get her full post and instructions, which is quite detailed, click here.

I boil my noodles first and then while they are in the strainer, I use the same pan to make the sauce. Anything that makes clean-up faster, makes me happy. Since this is Macaroni and Cheese, the recipe calls for macaroni, but my boys get to pick whatever pasta shape looks the most exciting to them. Today it was rotini.

This is the started sauce. I added a bit of ground red pepper for a kick, and I think next time I'll add a bit more. Also, the original recipe calls for whole milk, which I am sure adds to the creaminess, but for the health factor, we use skim, and it seems to taste just fine.

Here's the tempering of the egg, which you will want to do. I wouldn't think scrambled eggs would compliment this dish much.

After the sauce is thickened, carefully add the noodles back into the sauce, or like I did, you'll drop some onto the floor, then step on one. Ty, my four year old, quickly reminded me that the recipe didn't say to put a noodle on my shoe. Thanks. I top my finished meal with seasoned bread crumbs and then put it in the oven to give it the baked taste and texture. If you are lucky, you'll have time to color a few pages with some cute kids while it bakes. That always makes waiting a bit easier.

For full recipe, follow the link at the beginning of the post. Enjoy!


Judy and KC said...

YUM!!! I can't wait to try this. Aubrey, you are a wonderful cook - I'm so glad you are doing this blog. I look forward to trying your new recipes. (I love the comments about life as you go along too!)

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

Ty is so funny, I love it, and I love the recipes too. Yea for more food ideas!